March 12, 2025  
04:43 am
Greater St. Louis Area Council BSA, St. Louis, MO. USA
Summer Camp at Camp Gamble - Campsite DeSoto June 22nd - 29th, 2008
We had a GREAT Summer Camp at Camp Gamble! 18 Scouts and 7 adults attended camp this year!
Weather was cool for June but we did get rain on Thursday for parents night!
We did our annual service project allowing us to earn the Camping award and most everyone had a great time!
We enjoyed going to Hucks Cove, Archery, Rifle shoot and of course the Mile Swin!
Anyone with more pictures we would LOVE to post them!!! Please contact Mr. Wilbur for information on how to submit them.
Click on a thumbnail print to view the full size picture. Full size pictures run from 46k to 182k. (Note: Images are located a different server. If the images are missing, the server may be temporily down.)