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Wednesday   March 12, 2025   09:58 am   Greater St. Louis Area Council BSA, St. Louis, MO. USA

Shiloh Tennessee 2006
March 25th - March 27th, 2006

This year our Trip to Shiloh Tennessee happened in MarchThe weather was flawless and the hiking was great!
Everyone that hiked finished.

Different groups hiked all 7 trails in two days. One trail was 20 miles long!!!
By going earlier we finally got to see the peach orchard in bloom!!!

Click on a thumbnail print to view the full size picture.
Full size pictures run from 21k to 73k.
(Note: Images are located a different server. If the images are missing, the server may be temporily down.)

Higher Resolution Pictures are available from the Scoutmaster

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     Send questions about joining, or any comments to Mr. Wenholz: scoutmaster[at]
To contact our Committee Chairman contact Mr. Wilbur: CommitteeChair[At]
For questions about our Website is also Mr. Wilbur: webmaster[At]

 © Copyright 2000   Troop 374
 Greater St. Louis Area Council, St. Louis, MO, USA - GSLAC
 Troop Sponsor and meeting locaton:
 North County Christian School 845 Dunn Road, Florissant, Mo. 63031
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