General Behavior
The guidelines for acceptable behavior for all scout activities are contained in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan as stated in the Boy Scout Handbook. Fighting, bad language, hitting, harassing, or in any way causing harm or subjecting a Scout to harm is out of character with Scouting and is prohibited! The first incident will, at the very least, involve counseling by the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) or Patrol Leader. Depending on the severity of the incident, this could also include a meeting of the Patrol Leaders' Council Court (the troop-elected boy leadership team, who, with their adult leader guidance, attempts to investigate and resolve the incident) and/or immediate parent notification. Depending on the type of problem, parents may be required to attend functions with their Scout to monitor behavior. Troop meetings and outings are not childcare. The program will not be degraded as a result of a few who fail to cooperate. At a minimum, the second incident will result in counseling by the Scoutmaster. A third occurrence will lead to a phone call to the parents and a request to pick up their son. This includes during outings! Each Scout in Troop 374 (and similarly, any of his family members) has a responsibility to protect and respect our meeting place as well as the property of the troop and his fellow Scouts. Any damage or loss incurred (intentional, accidental, or otherwise) will be the responsibility of those who cause it. National Scout policy prohibits alcohol and/or drug use or possession by anyone at any Boy Scout function. One of our many goals is to provide a drug, alcohol, and smoke free environment in which the boys can enjoy their Scouting experience. |
The Scout Oath |
On my honor I will do my best |
To do my duty to God and my country |
and to obey the Scout Law; |
To help other people at all times; |
To keep myself physically strong |
mentally awake, and morally straight. |
The Scout Law |
A Scout is: |
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, |
Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, |
Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent. |
Scout Motto: |
Be Prepared |
Scout Slogan: |
Do a Good Turn Daily |